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LinuxONE Openstack
Openstack's Virtualized Environment Solutions

Creating and Deleting VMs on KVM

Only    0 seat(s) available

    0 already completed

IBM Openstack provides visualized one-click deployment of LinuxONE-based VM solutions, allowing different roles of different permissions to manage VMs more easily for different projects.

Experiment: Creating and Deleting VMs on KVM

141 already completed

Experiment Content:

IBM Openstack is used for quickly building and managing virtual environments. This experiment will guide you to quickly install VMs with IBM Openstack and manage VMs across different projects, roles and permissions, and get through some basic operations of VMs, such as installing MySQL databases.

Experiment Resources:

Openstack installation source
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 (VM)

Medal Status

Lighten Medals

Latest Activites


has completed the experiment and received a blue medal


has completed the experiment and received a blue medal


has completed the experiment and received a blue medal


has completed the experiment and received a blue medal


has completed the experiment and received a blue medal


has completed the experiment and received a blue medal


has completed the experiment and received a blue medal


has completed the experiment and received a blue medal


has completed the experiment and received a blue medal


has completed the experiment and received a blue medal

Discovery:Creating and Deleting VMs on KVM

0 already completed

Experiment Content:

IBM Openstack is used for quickly building and managing virtual environments. This experiment will guide you to quickly install VMs with IBM Openstack and manage VMs across different projects, roles and permissions, and get through some basic operations of VMs, such as installing MySQL databases.

Experiment Resources:

  • Openstack installation source
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 (VM)


1. Discovery provides longer time for your experience;you are home free
2. Data will be cleared after the end of discovery
3. It is needed to finish the experiment and challenge first to start your discovery

Please start your challenge after you finish the experiment

Please start your discovery after you finish the challenge.

Please start your discovery after you finish the experiment.

Experiment Manual

The following content is displayed on the same screen for your experiment so that you can make any necessary reference in experiment. Start your experiment now!

  1. (Duration: 2 mins)

    在火狐浏览器中,输入域名: default,用户名:user(XX),密码:demo123,点击登入。

  2. (Duration: 5 mins)

    1)点击左侧导航栏中依次打开, 项目 > 计算 > 实例 ,选择 创建实例
    2)填入“实例名称”: test-vm ,然后点击 “ 下一步 ”。
    3)在“源“界面选择镜像” rhel7.4 “,点击右侧 向上的箭头 表示选中。若已选中则直接点击“ 下一步 ”。
    4)在“实例类型”页面,选择“ m1.nano ”即点击右侧 向上箭头 ,若已选中则直接点击” 下一步
    5)在“网络”页面,确认“ flat ”已分配,然后点击右下角“ 创建实例 ”跳转到“实例”界面,等待实例状态为“运行状态”。
    6)点击实例的名字“ test-vm ”,选择“ 日志 ”页,可以查看系统启动信息,此时已经通过OpenStack
    Cloud 获得了一个基于LinuxONE的虚机资源

  3. (Duration: 5 mins)

    2)点击 项目 > 网络 > 安全组 > 管理规则
    3)点击“ 添加规则 ”点击“ 定制TCP规则 ”选择最后一项“ SSH ”,最后点击 添加
    4)点击左上角的 Applications 然后点击 Teminal Emulator 
    5)然后 ssh root@IP IP地址为刚刚复制的IP地址,输入 yes ,密码为 passw0rd
    uname -m
    输出为 s390x ,这是一台LinuxONE的虚拟机

  4. (Duration: 3 mins)

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Experiment Name:

Experiment Content: Creating and Deleting VMs on KVM



Points:,This appointment will use 50 points

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LinuxONE Openstack

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